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Quests FAQ


The ao ecosystem is in a very early stage and full of opportunity. There is a community quest board full of ways that you can get involved testing and building software to grow the ecosystem, all while earning its native currency: CRED.

Video Tutorial

What quests are available?

There is a dev chat room within ao localnet which you can query for quest information. First, launch aos:

$ aos

Next, join the Quests chatroom, if you haven't done so already. You can optionally provide your screenname/handle as the second parameter

aos> Join("Quests")
# OR
aos> Join("Quests", "MyScreenName")

Then you can send the /Quests slash command to that chatroom. In case you have joined multiple chatrooms, the second parameter sends the message to only one specific chatroom, by name.

aos> Say("/Quests")
# OR
aos> Say("/Quests", "Quests")

After a few seconds, a bot will respond by broadcasting the list of available quests to the chatroom.

How do I view the detailed quest description?

You can learn more about the details of a specific quest, by sending a /Quests:[index] slash command into the Quests chatroom, where [index] should be replaced with the quest number, for example:

aos> Say("/Quests:1", "Quests")
# OR
aos> Say("/Quests:2", "Quests")

Quest 1: "Begin"

The detailed steps for Quest 1 are available in the Begin tutorial in this cookbook.

Quest 2: "Bots-and-Games"

The detailed steps for Quest 2 are available in the Bots and Games tutorial in this cookbook.

How do I complete a quest?

Follow all the steps in the quest description, including submitting the claim.